
Kerry Munro

'Help, I've fallen and I can't reach my iPhone'
Digital Leader, Social Marketing Expert & Former COO


Kerry Munro is a dynamic, results oriented leader with deep knowledge and proven success in Omni-Channel, ecommerce and digital. He delivers breakthrough performance and shareholder value via transformational change and the creation of extraordinary consumer and commercial experiences. Kerry possesses the strategic vision and leadership required to transform businesses that face disruption due to changing market or technology dynamics, particularly in the areas of Omni channel, digital intermediation and customer experience. With superior interpersonal skills, capable of resolving multiple and complex issues and motivating staff to peak performance by rallying around a common, shared vision, Kerry Munro is a key player in the social media and digital world.

Facebook, blogs, tweets and web 2.0 are daily topics of conversation by marketers, business leaders and HR practitioners. Yet to truly grasp the opportunities and implications of this new and rapidly evolving medium requires someone who’s been there and done that. Kerry Munro is one such individual.